ForSale Viking VCFW750 3/4 Horsepower Food Waste Disposer
Viking 3/4 Horsepower Continuous Feed Garbage DisposerSKU: VCFW750Equipped with exclusive anti-jamming features, sound-absorbing insulation, and the most powerful motor in a residential model in a residential model, Viking food waste disposers offer unrivaled performance and long life.Includes:Capacitor start motor is one of mostpowerful residential motors availableConvenient wall switch startOperates with or without cover foreasy loading of food wasteSuper-quiet operation Sound-absorbing, grind-areainsulationSix isolating gaskets in keyoperating areas for soundabsorption and reduced vibrationQuiet, efficient fixed impellerseliminate noise generated byordinary swivel blades and will notswing away from wasteDurable componentsStainless steel corrosion-resistantupper housingCast aluminum drain chamber withprotective polymer shield Permanently lubricated primarybronze bearingQuick groove-twist lock installationmakes it easy to install, or to replaceyour old disposerAnti-jam auto reversingGrind wheel moves in oppositedirection with each start, breakingthe jams that stop ordinary disposersReverse action doubles cutter life Exclusive grind systemSolid cast grind wheelTwo fixed stainless steel impellersfor quick, quiet grinding Continuous cutting from 18uppercutters and 16 undercuttersPrecision balanced for smooth,vibration-free performanceSolid cast shredder ring45 double-edge cuttersExclusive—1.4 millionuppercuttings and 1.3 millionundercuttings per minute (15times that of the nearest high-endcompetitor)Highly effective for use with septic tanks VCFW 10001 horsepower motorTen-year full warrantyExclusive Power Plus Jam-inatorbutton—this solid-state device causesthe grind wheel to oscillate approx.7,000 times per minute, pulverizingeven the toughest jams.Images may not reflect the actual product delivered and should be used only as a general guide. Dimensions, colors/finishes, design, and style may vary. Continuous feed; Operates with or without cover Sound absorbing grind area insulation Stainless steel, corrosion-resistant upper housing Quick twist-lock installation 3/4 Horsepower
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